At Mt. Zion United Methodist Church, we are a community of faith committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ and the principles of the United Methodist Church. Our mission, inspired by Matthew 8:19-20, is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world through worship, service, and fellowship.

Our church offers a variety of programs and services designed to nurture spiritual growth, foster connection, and inspire action within our community. We encourage all to explore their faith and develop a deeper relationship with God. With a strong emphasis on mission work, we actively serve both our local and global communities. We aim to reflect Christ's love through acts of kindness and service that positively impact those around us.

At Mt. Zion, we invite you to join us on this journey of faith, hope, and love. Whether you are seeking a new church home, looking to deepen your spiritual understanding, or simply want to get involved in meaningful community efforts, we welcome you to be a part of our family.

What is your next step?

A Message from Pastor Corey

As followers of Jesus, we take responsibility for our growth. We are patient with ourselves and one another. We are always in a posture of learning. God's grace is unearned, but we do not wait to experience it: we engage in what early Methodists called the means of grace. At Mt Zion, we invite you to take your next step with us.

Pastor Corey and Julie Sharpe

Pastor Corey and Julie

Learn with a Class.

Groups provide safe spaces to grow in times of isolation. Learning basic Christian beliefs, diving deeper into the Bible, and exploring special topics help us walk through life together.

Explore Membership.

The Membership class covers three points about membership: our beliefs, practices, and expectations. Reach out to Pastor Corey for more information about the next class.

Use Your God-Given Gifts

Ministry is for everyone. We experience transformation when we find new ways to live out our calling by using our God-given gifts. A small act of service can have a huge impact.

Worship with Mt Zion.

There are vital elements of faith that aren’t experienced in solitude. We gather weekly to focus on God, learn from God’s Word, encourage one another, and be grounded for the week to come.

Be Baptized.

Baptism is a vital step in our spiritual journey. It signifies a spiritual rebirth, and becoming a member of the body of Christ. If you’re interested in being baptized, contact Pastor Corey.

We’re truly glad you’re taking the time to explore what it means to be a part of the Mt. Zion Community. We sincerely hope you find a welcoming and supportive environment here. If you would like our pastor to assist you in discovering your next meaningful step on your spiritual journey, we invite you to fill out a connection card.

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